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Providing the Best Sesamoiditis Treatment

Writer: Qureshy FootcareQureshy Footcare

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Sesamoiditis treatment can seem esoteric when said aloud, but it is pretty simple. In many ways, sesamoiditis is a form of foot pain that targets the sesamoid bones and can lead to intense aching and pain in the ball of your foot. More severe cases can physically cripple you, making everyday activities impossible. So, how can you treat it?

Inflammatory Tendonitis

Sesamoiditis is an inflammation of the sesamoid bones in the ball of the foot and the tendons embedded inside. Overuse is the primary cause, common among dancers, runners, and athletes who use the balls of their feet to support their weight.

Sesamoiditis occurs because the tendons in the ball of the foot have pea-sized sesamoid bones that sit under the big toe joint, which support the transfer of weight to the ball of the foot. The stress this brings can cause the tendons and bones to become inflamed.

Symptoms of Sesamoiditis

Most sesamoiditis treatment focuses on handling the symptoms of sesamoiditis, which are usually pain, swelling, redness, and bruising under the big toe. Walking and running become incredibly painful when shifting weight on the ball of your foot.

Those at Risk for Sesamoiditis

Anyone can get sesamoiditis, but it is more common in individuals who cause repetitive stress to the tendons and sesamoid bones in the feet. These individuals include dancers, runners, athletes, and people who wear high heels, have high arches, have flat feet, or suffer from gout.

In short, everyone could need sesamoiditis treatment at some point in life. You can reduce your risk by wearing comfortable shoes that don't cramp your toes and custom orthotics.

A Sesamoiditis Diagnosis

A Chiropodist or other foot specialist can diagnose sesamoiditis after physically examining the foot. They will check for tenderness in the ball of the foot and move your big toe to check for mobility and pain. They will also check for stress fractures, small cracks along the sesamoid bone due to repetitive stress.

Breaking a Sesamoiditis Bone

It's possible to break your sesamoid bone by directly striking the foot or by repetitive and intense stress. If you need sesamoiditis treatment after breaking the bone, you should find a chiropodist or foot specialist to diagnose and help you take the necessary steps to recovery.

A Long, Stationary Recovery

Sesamoiditis treatment can often be straightforward: rest the bone and have a chiropodist monitor the area regularly to ensure the intense stress is not leading to cracks or damage. Most treatments involve rest, restricted movement and physical activity, ice, soft tissue therapy, and surgery.

Where to Go for Sesamoiditis Treatment

Our chiropodists at Qureshy Foot and Orthotic Clinic can help diagnose and provide sesamoiditis treatment. Whether it is aching, pains, or more severe symptoms, the chiropodists at QFC can help guide you on the road to recovery.



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