If you are experiencing extreme pain in your heel bone, it could be plantar fasciitis. While it may be tempting to kick your feet up and relax for a few days, untreated plantar fasciitis can lead to more severe conditions. Those between the ages of 40 and 60 or active athletes are especially vulnerable.
Plantar Fasciitis - More than Foot Pain
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of tissues connecting the heel bone to your toes. These tissues run the length of your foot and focus the stabbing pain near the heel bone. Left untreated, it could lead to debilitating pain for your whole foot, restricting mobility and comfort.
Causes of Plantar Fasciitis
While the root cause of plantar fasciitis is difficult to pinpoint, as several factors are involved, the root of the pain comes from the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that connects your heel with your toes. It supports the arch of your foot by absorbing shock.
Tension and stress on the fascia, such as ballet dancing or long-distance running, can lead to plantar fasciitis. Other genetic factors, such as flat feet, high arches, or atypical walking patterns, can apply stress, magnified if you are obese or have an occupation that keeps you walking on hard surfaces.
Remember, the fascia absorbs shock when you walk, so the more pressure you apply above and below will affect it. This excess tension can cause small rips and tears alongside stretching that can inflame or irritate the tissue.
Who is at Risk?
Athletes, the elderly, and individuals who work on their feet for long periods are at higher risk of having plantar fasciitis. Depending on the severity, some individuals may require laser treatment for the condition — it is not something you want to put off.
Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosis
Ignoring plantar fasciitis can result in chronic heel pain and leads to foot, knee, or hip problems due to modified walking patterns to help avoid tissue pain. To assess/diagnose plantar fasciitis, Chiropodists will perform several examinations to ensure that it is the root cause of your issue. Your Chiropodist might request your physician order tests such as X-rays or MRIs, along with a copy of your medical history to determine that no more underlying underlying condition is present. Chiropodists might recommend laser treatment for plantar fasciitis. Qureshy Foot & Orthotic Clinic uses cold laser therapy to promote the healing process of injured and inflamed tissue and help decrease pain in your foot.
You can treat minor cases of plantar fasciitis at home with Chiropodists guidance. If you continue to experience pain and discomfort, you may want to receive laser treatment for pain relief and correction.
If you need laser therapy for plantar fasciitis in Oshawa, Qureshy Foot and Orthotics can supply the best Chiropodists. Our Chiropodists in Oshawa can assess, treat, and provide information regarding plantar fasciitis, as well as relevant relief. For more information on the condition, or other inquiries regarding foot injuries, don’t hesitate to contact us.